Can technology help you optimize global reimbursement?

Easily track, and get snapshot updates of, your product's 
reimbursement status across global markets.
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The Challenge

Our global market access client was finding it difficult to keep track of the local reimbursement status across several markets. Data was often out-of-date and sizable effort was regularly required to gather and collate real-time insights on an ongoing basis.


An attractive product reimbursement platform with a user-friendly interface was developed that presented upto-date data in an easily-interrogable, summarised view.
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Global Map View

A colour-coded world map presented overall reimbursement status at a glance.

Region Selection

Individual regions could be selected and data exported as images or to Excel for further analysis.

Reminders and Upcoming Submissions

Upcoming and planned submissions were shown in a snapshot identifying which markets were due to update.

Prior Submissions and Materials

All previous reimbursement body submissions and their supporting materials were included along with the results and findings.

Internally Hosted

Developed to be housed and maintained on 
 a clients intranet with no ongoing access or subscription fees.
Superb. I used to have to chase regional leads every quarter for this information which took days! Now I can easily see who hasn’t updated and who is due to, and put a graphic in a presentation that I present to our leadership team - it takes minutes and allows me to see the growing reimbursement status over time really well.

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