Isn’t it time to bring your payer value story to life?

Smoothly and impactfully presented key clinical and economic evidence from your value story to external audiences.
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The Challenge

A regional market access lead desired an innovative and highly engaging means for affiliates to present key evidence from the global value dossier to external audiences as they looked to increase their market share.


An interactive value story was developed as an impactful on-screen presentation that covered unmet need and the clinical and economic value of the product and was fully supported by health economic and real-world evidence.
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Key Inputs and Outputs

Values relevant to the audience were presented front-and-centre to facilitate a useful meeting focussing on matters of importance.

Engaging Narrative

Model inputs were integrated into the economic value messaging of the product to deliver a seamless presentation.

Tailored Results

Capturing facility-level data upfront quickly demonstrated the impact for the facility across scenarios.

Rigorous Calculation Explanation

The presented narrative was fully referenced and calculations explained throughout to quickly present reliable results.

Tertiary Inputs

Additional elements of the economic model were also included so they could be accessed if required.
This is so much easier to use in meetings! I’m able to show our product’s impact on a facility’s budget really quickly and make convincing arguments yet have all the inputs I need from the budget impact model available if necessary.

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